Zbrush crash location

zbrush crash location

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How to Transfer CAD Files To and From ZBrush
I had this same issue I uninstalled R3,then completely delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pixologic folder and all its contents. Restart Windows. download-mac-apps.net � no-save-file-after-crashing. This is done by editing the download-mac-apps.net file. On Windows this file is located in the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\ZBrushData folder or C:\.
Comment on: Zbrush crash location
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I saved different versions of this file with different names, to guarantee that if there is any problem with my file, I could use the previous version of that, but ALL of them are corrupted, and when I try to open any of the files Zbrush displays the following message:. I also have the similar problem cannot seem to save any tool and load at all, I receive the following msg: internal error. It only has the Blender plug-in for 2.